Fun & Joy Begins Here



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 Filename   Actions (Attempt to perform)   Size   Attributes   Modification Date 
Welcome to the upload section... Please note that the destination file will be
overwritten if it already exists!!!

Select local file:


Choose new working directory:


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 -<[{ Main Menu }]>- 

Haxplorer is a server side file browser wich (ab)uses the directory object to list the files and directories stored on a webserver. This handy tools allows you to manage files and directories on a unsecure server with php support.

This entire script is coded for unsecure servers, if your server is secured the script will hide commands or will even return errors to your browser...

PHPKonsole is just a little telnet like shell wich allows you to run commands on the webserver. When you run commands they will run as the webservers UserID. This should work perfectly for managing files, like moving, copying etc. If you're using a linux server, system commands such as ls, mv and cp will be available for you...

This function will only work if the server supports php and the execute commands...


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